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Andy and Melissa Beshore

Monday, July 14, 2008

Amazing Grace Update

Hi everyone.

You may have remembered us posting about "Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism," the DVD from the Apologetics Group. We got it in the mail a short while ago and watched the first six or so chapters Sunday evening. This video is fantastic! It explains so well not only that the Reformed road is in fact the narrow road and the difficult way that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14), but is does an impeccable job explaining WHY it is the correct way. If anyone thinks you are in a cult because you are "Reformed," get this DVD, and show them the "Church History" section that will explain where the modern Gospel came from and how hundreds and thousands of years of church history are not in support of the modern Gospel, but rather, in support of the Reformed way of thinking.

Incidentally, we found out after we got the DVD, that our Pastor, Dr. Thomas Ascol, is one of the contributors to the DVD. So, if you live in or near Lee County, Florida and you are looking for a doctrinally sound true church, check out Grace Baptist Church of Cape Coral, Florida. If you disagree with my stance, please find the DVD online yourself and check it out. Pay particular attention to the list of names in the Church History section. If you are going to disagree with this way of thinking, you will have to disagree with all those names in that list and several hundred years of church history. Are you prepared to argue your case about that with God? Please come into it with an open mind. It is our prayer that God will "reform" the hearts that need "reforming" and save them that believe. I would like to hear feedback from anyone who gets this DVD and sees it. Thanks all.

You can find the video at: http://www.theapologeticsgroup.com/cms/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,67/category_id,1/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,1/ or by clicking on the title of this blog.


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